Home > Uncategorized > Installing Custom Apps onto the o2 Joggler

Installing Custom Apps onto the o2 Joggler

Yesterday I showed you how to enable Telnet on your Joggler and now with Telnet enabled you can install some custom apps using the PMJ script from Joggler.info.  The current version 0.3 installs live BBC streams, some games and screensavers.  The first thing you will need to do is enable Telnet and then download the PMJ script – http://www.mediafire.com/?2d5mnnynmnd

To get the apps installed:

  1. Unzip the folder and copy the files to root of your USB stick and plug in your USB stick.
  2. Telnet into your Joggler
  3. From the Telnet prompt type in: cd /mnt
  4. Type: ls
    This isn’t essential but will display the directory.  You should see ‘bash’, ‘pmj.tgz’ and ‘pmj.sh’ – if not, it hasn’t mounted the memory stick.
  5. If you can see the files type in: ./bash pmj.sh
  6. This will download and install the apps.
Now you should have a Joggler with custom apps installed, like the picture below (Twitter will not be installed):

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  1. Chunny
    14/05/2010 at 10:14 pm

    Hi, Im stuck on point 3, Im using the same usb stick which I used to enable Telnet, assuming joggler recognise it. When I enter cd.mnt it prompts “-sh: cd/mnt: not found” any idea? thanks

    • 15/05/2010 at 12:23 am


      I see you have written cd.mnt when you should enter cd /mnt

      Also a good way to test to see if the Joggler recognises your USB stick is to drop a few photos on it and plug it into your Joggler and see if you can view photos if you can it does work if not you will need to try another stick.

      Let me know if you have anymore issues.

  2. 12/07/2010 at 11:03 am

    Many thanks, worked like a dream, i just put both the telnet files and the app files on a microsd card a (argos)mikomi usb multi card reader, and booted up the joggler and followed the instructions. cheers

  1. 18/05/2010 at 8:44 pm

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